What do you believe?
OK before that … let us find out what is the meaning of “believe”. If you do a search on Google … one of the results for the meaning of believe is … “accept that (something) is true, especially without proof”. The key words here are … “especially without proof”.
So, when you believe in something … that means you THINK that it is true or it exist. BUT, you actually don’t know because there is no proof. You just accept it.
Now that is absolutely OK … there are many people who believe in so many things that are without proofs … that, can be accepted with an open mind. Maybe there is no proof now … maybe not too far in the future, proofs will be found.
So for now, just believe … right ?
NO !!!
We can accept that there is no proof when we choose to believe in something … BUT, the very least that we can do is apply some LOGIC into what we want to believe. Don’t just blindly believe.
Let me tell you what I believe … I believe in UFOs and aliens. I believe that we are not alone in the universe. Are there proofs of UFOs and aliens? Of course there are no proofs at all despite many attempts to find evidence by scientists, archaeologists and popular UFO enthusiasts.
So, there is no proof whatsoever that UFOs and aliens exist.
Are there any logic to support the existence of UFOs or aliens? To me, yes there are. Some archaeology discoveries, sightings and clues are quite suggestive. But having said that, of course it is open for argument. I welcome open-minded suggestions, arguments and debates.
Now what do you believe ? Whatever it is, like me, I am sure you have you own logic to support what you believe … sometimes with a bit of logic and common sense, it can make a lot of difference on what you want believe.
Sadly, there are too many people who just simply and blindly believe without applying a bit of logic or any common sense.
For example … many who believe in karma are quick to invoke this belief on others who may have caused them misery. When someone make their lives difficult, they are quick to say … “wait karma will get you”.
But then if they believe (in karma)
that others who cause them misery will be punished eventually … then they must
ask themselves why others are giving them misery now?
So if you believe in karma and someone is making your life miserable now, shut up and accept it. Hey, it is karma dude … you must have made other people lives miserable before and now karma is working, so this time others are making your life miserable … understand? What goes around, comes around … isn’t that what you believed in? Hello, see the logic???
Many Chinese have this belief … “δΈδΈ” or the three lives … the previous life, the present life and the next life. They believe that all three lives are inter-connected … meaning what you did in your previous life will have effect on your present life and what you do in your present life will affect your next life. Easy to understand right?
Curious people want to find out …
how their previous lives were, what they did ... what to do in their present lives and what will
happen in their next lives. And there are mediums, monks or “sifus” in temples
and other places of worships that are able to tell you about your three lives
if you want to know … of course you have to make a bit of contribution for that
Now if you believe that this is how your three lives are inter-connected, then you don’t really have to go ask the mediums or monks about your three lives.
Let’s apply a bit of common sense and just look at your life now. If your life is so miserable now, then you must have done some bad shit in your previous life. You have must have been an asshole in your previous life.
You are so miserable now because you are suffering from the consequences of what you did in your previous life.
So, if you want your next life to be good … then start doing some good things and stop complaining about your present life. Simple isn’t it? Logic isn’t it?
People believe in all sorts of things … from the power of supernatural to the perils of superstitions. There are countless of beliefs in every kind of human beings on earth. And many have no proofs … like UFOs, Yeti, ghosts, ghouls … at least not yet, maybe they will be proven (true or false) in the near future.
Strange … there are phenomena that have been scientifically proven but people still choose to believe otherwise … one very common to all is the eclipse of the sun. Some Chinese still want to believe that it is the “heavenly dog swallowing the sun” and are still very worried that the sun will disappear if they don’t chase the dog away.
When we believe in something and there is no proof, that is absolutely OK. And because there is no proof, that is all the more reason for the need apply a bit of logic and common sense into what we want to believe.
My take is … don’t just simply believe and live your life based on beliefs that does now agree with common sense and simple logic.
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