December 31, 2020

Make the best out of it

Normally I would like to use the last posting (usually on the last day) of the year to recap on the good and worthwhile incidents that may have happened throughout the year but year 2020 was not really a good year. And we all know why.

Although generally it was not a good year as we are all affected by the Covid19 pandemic across the globe … nevertheless, most of us are thankful that we managed to stay safe and protected as well as striving through the economic hardship due to the loss of income caused by various movement control orders.

For this last writing of the year, I will not do a recap of 2020.

The world is still struggling with the Cov19 situation as we move into year 2021 and I think it will take quite a long while for things to get stable and safe in the new normal that the world have to live with. In some countries, things are getting better but in others, the situation is not improving … there are still a lot of uncertainties.

The big pharmaceutical companies have announced their vaccines for the Cov19 virus … trials were conducted and at the time of writing, various countries have already started their vaccination programs.

For us in Malaysia … I think we will still have to wait (for a long while) as we all know very well the way our authorities handle things here. My guess is … by the time the vaccine reach us, not only it will be a lot later than our neighbouring countries … it will be blardy EXPENSIVE! Let’s hope that I am wrong.

So as we move into 2021 … I don’t see a lot happening … at least not for the first six months. Looking at the daily infections that run into the thousands … it is highly likely that conditional movement control for Klang Valley folks will continue. Albeit this, I am sure the authorities will allow the various economic sectors to open and people allowed to travel within the country. This is good but strict SOPs must be adhered to.

For me, I am not planning much … the situation is uncertain. So it is more like “wait and see” for me. Let’s hope that we will get the vaccine soon and meanwhile the usual activities will continue and maybe a couple of trips within the country for breaks.

So, for year 2021 … with new normal and strict SOPs, will try to make the best out of it.


November 26, 2020

A bit more purpose and a bit more meaningful

 I am sure you heard people asked … you want time or you want money? Of course you want both!

Well, some lucky ones will have both but most of us would have to take one only. It will come to a point when one will have to make that decision … either to continue chasing to earn more money or you want to have all the time in the world.

When will that point of time come? That depends.

For me … that time or money point came quite early in my life and the decision was easy. I chose time over money because I know how much money I have but I DO NOT KNOW how much time I have.

Knowing how much money I have, it is easy to manage … it is just about budgeting and making sure that I spend prudently within my means. That’s it.

But for time … I don’t know how much time I have. I may even drop dead tomorrow. So, I have to put a lot more effort into how I want to spend my time. There are a millions things to do but I will never have enough time to do it all.

Whatever I do, I will try to do it with a bit more purpose and do it a bit more meaningful.

And what do I do with my time?

I write a bit … but I am not much of a writer. Actually, I spent more time editing than writing. I am just a storyteller trying to share my experiences, my thoughts and my simple aspirations. There is a saying … either you do something for people to write or you write something for people to do.

I have not done anything worthwhile for people to write about … so I am hoping that I can write and share something that people can appreciate and learn. It is a form of teaching and it is the main purpose of my writings.

I spend more time looking at things around me. I learned to slow down, stop to look at the surroundings and I find many beautiful things. Looking at the early dawn breaks, the young blooms in the forest, the lively sound of the wild, the dew drops on the leaves, the colorful leaves shed by the forest trees … now, I find it a bit more meaningful when I trek or hike in a forest.

 Not just in the forest … if you slow down and take the time to look at things around you … you can even find some unexpected beautiful things in your own backyard. Really, life is full of simple pleasures.    

There are many beautiful things around you ... life if full of simple pleasures

I search for forgotten taste when I cook … the sambal of the makcik who sold nasi lemak on the roadside near my primary school in Brickfields, the fish curry from the Indian aunty who live next to us in the LLN quarters in Bangsar, the English pound cake that my mother used to make and many many more. 

It brings back a lot of good memories and nostalgias … whether it is a family dinner or good friends gather over a meal talking about the good old days … the forgotten taste makes it a little bit more meaningful for everyone.

When the CMCO is over, I will do a bit of traveling … maybe I will go to places that are a bit more meaningful to me. What do I mean?

I tell you about a Mr Tony Wright … an Englishman I met many years ago. He came to Malaysia with a stack of photos that his grandparents took while they were in Malaysia in the 1920s and Tony travelled across Malaysia visiting places captured in the photographs, visiting the places that his grandparents visited and reminisce the stories they told him when he was small. That made his travel a little bit more meaningful … doesn’t it?

Look … you may have all the money in the world to spend but do you know whether you have the time to spend it all?  The sad fact is, you don’t know … there are so many things you want to do and surely you won’t be able to do all.

So, whatever you are doing … spend your time doing it with a bit more purpose and doing it a bit more meaningfully.


October 26, 2020

Don't live in your past

 As we grow older, we talk about our past more … especially those special moments where we may have done something good or proud … maybe completed a difficult physical challenge or participate in some meaningful events and other personal achievements.

Good … it is good to remember the good things that you have done and talked about them … maybe share it with the younger ones … pass on your experiences … it is a form of teaching.

But don’t boast … DON’T GLORIFY YOUR PAST. And don’t live your present life based on your past.

Some people like to brag about their past … they always bring up the so called “big” things that have done in almost every conversation they have. Yes, you may have done something “big” in your younger days … that is in your past. Let it be in your memories, something that you are proud of to talk about but don’t dwell on it or glorify it.

Why these people like to boast of their past so often? My opinion is … they have nothing to look forward to in the present … that is why they keep dwelling on their past achievements and like to glorify them … repeatedly. When you ask them what they are going to do today … they tell you what they have done yesterday.

Look, the past has no power over the present moment … so don’t dwell on it and make it as if it is driving your present.

Live your life based on what it is now and how it is now. Look at what that is around you now, what that is happening now, what is your current physical status and what are the options you have now … live in the present and try to make yourself better in this current situation.

When you are half a century into your life … like it or not, you are going to slow down. The sad fact is … you are not as fit and strong as you were 30 years ago … well, that is how nature works. Don’t ever believe in those anti-aging, age reversing products … as impressive as their creative advertising slogans may sound … they don’t work and they cannot work … you cannot grow any younger or stop growing old using those products … it is just simply against the law of nature.

So, you won’t be able to do the things that you have done many years ago … THAT IS ABSOLUTELY OK !!! No need to dwell on those past things that you have done … there are many things you can still do. Things based on your current abilities in the current situation.

What I am trying to say is … live your life in the present moment. Be aware of your current self and look at things that is around you now. If you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you haven’t done much today.

Of all the days you have in your life … there are only two days that nothing can be done … yesterday and tomorrow. So do the things on the day that they can be done … today. Soak in as much of today as you possibly can – the sights, the sounds, the smells, the emotions, the triumphs and even the sorrows.

There is a saying … “if you hold your past too tight to your chest, you can’t open your arms fully to embrace the present”.


September 15, 2020


 After 58 years … really, I do not have anything to show that could reflect what I have achieved or failed to achieve in my life.

Nothing, except for a piece of machinery registered back in 1962 … I call it model Y62.MAR06.v58.

A simple machine that has been through all sorts of weather, abuses, repairs, overhauls, tests, stresses, anxieties, angers, fears and panics but has also had the same amount of bliss, happiness, love, joy, glee, peace, trust, loyalty, tranquility, calm, contentment and lots of simple pleasures.

As of the time of writing … albeit a few loose joints and worn parts of the overall frame … nothing needs to be replaced … at least not yet.

The RAM is still good … more than enough to run at the speed of things in this century. The hard disk still spinning … no slowing down after all these years and there is still plenty of storage and space but needs occasional house cleaning to keep the files and folders in proper order.

Recycle bin is emptied daily … no shit !

As it is an earlier make and model … it has a very simple operating system, it does not like complex stuffs. It inherited from its predecessors some cold tantrums, temperamental moods with a tendency to hang or shut itself down when things get a bit complicated.

An old school type it is but not old fashion … as it does update itself progressively with new apps, add-ons, extensions and plug-ins.

So far it has been running and performing well … with constant boot, reset, re-charge and occasional re-format plus a good firewall set up for security and threats… it is able to stay free from virus, worms and trojans.

Really, I have nothing to show … except for this very simple machinery. Yes, there are material things around me but those are NOT me. I cannot hold tight to all the material things that I have and say … “this is me”.

This piece of machinery is the only thing that I can use to tell people … “THIS IS ME”.

I am not sure how long it will last and how it will continue to perform in the coming years but I am very glad for now it behaves exactly like it should … like a 58 year-old … not a day younger and not a day older.


August 17, 2020

Believe … with a bit of logic and common sense

What do you believe?

OK before that … let us find out what is the meaning of “believe”. If you do a search on Google … one of the results for the meaning of believe is … “accept that (something) is true, especially without proof”. The key words here are … “especially without proof”.

So, when you believe in something … that means you THINK that it is true or it exist. BUT, you actually don’t know because there is no proof. You just accept it.

Now that is absolutely OK … there are many people who believe in so many things that are without proofs … that, can be accepted with an open mind. Maybe there is no proof now … maybe not too far in the future, proofs will be found.

So for now, just believe … right ?

NO !!!

We can accept that there is no proof when we choose to believe in something … BUT, the very least that we can do is apply some LOGIC into what we want to believe. Don’t just blindly believe.

Let me tell you what I believe … I believe in UFOs and aliens. I believe that we are not alone in the universe. Are there proofs of UFOs and aliens? Of course there are no proofs at all despite many attempts to find evidence by scientists, archaeologists and popular UFO enthusiasts.

So, there is no proof whatsoever that UFOs and aliens exist.

Are there any logic to support the existence of UFOs or aliens? To me, yes there are. Some archaeology discoveries, sightings and clues are quite suggestive. But having said that, of course it is open for argument. I welcome open-minded suggestions, arguments and debates.

Now what do you believe ? Whatever it is, like me, I am sure you have you own logic to support what you believe … sometimes with a bit of logic and common sense, it can make a lot of difference on what you want believe.

Sadly, there are too many people who just simply and blindly believe without applying a bit of logic or any common sense.

For example … many who believe in karma are quick to invoke this belief on others who may have caused them misery. When someone make their lives difficult, they are quick to say … “wait karma will get you”.

But then if they believe (in karma) that others who cause them misery will be punished eventually … then they must ask themselves why others are giving them misery now?

So if you believe in karma and someone is making your life miserable now, shut up and accept it. Hey, it is karma dude … you must have made other people lives miserable before and now karma is working, so this time others are making your life miserable … understand? What goes around, comes around … isn’t that what you believed in? Hello, see the logic???

Many Chinese have this belief … “三世” or the three lives … the previous life, the present life and the next life. They believe that all three lives are inter-connected … meaning what you did in your previous life will have effect on your present life and what you do in your present life will affect your next life. Easy to understand right?

Curious people want to find out … how their previous lives were, what they did ... what to do in their present lives and what will happen in their next lives. And there are mediums, monks or “sifus” in temples and other places of worships that are able to tell you about your three lives if you want to know … of course you have to make a bit of contribution for that information.

Now if you believe that this is how your three lives are inter-connected, then you don’t really have to go ask the mediums or monks about your three lives.

Let’s apply a bit of common sense and just look at your life now. If your life is so miserable now, then you must have done some bad shit in your previous life. You have must have been an asshole in your previous life.

You are so miserable now because you are suffering from the consequences of what you did in your previous life.

So, if you want your next life to be good … then start doing some good things and stop complaining about your present life. Simple isn’t it? Logic isn’t it?

People believe in all sorts of things … from the power of supernatural to the perils of superstitions. There are countless of beliefs in every kind of human beings on earth. And many have no proofs … like UFOs, Yeti, ghosts, ghouls … at least not yet, maybe they will be proven (true or false) in the near future.

Strange … there are phenomena that have been scientifically proven but people still choose to believe otherwise … one very common to all is the eclipse of the sun. Some Chinese still want to believe that it is the “heavenly dog swallowing the sun” and are still very worried that the sun will disappear if they don’t chase the dog away.

When we believe in something and there is no proof, that is absolutely OK. And because there is no proof, that is all the more reason for the need apply a bit of logic and common sense into what we want to believe.

My take is … don’t just simply believe and live your life based on beliefs that does now agree with common sense and simple logic. 


July 09, 2020

I am just blardy lazy

When I quit a good paying job and sort of “retired” at a rather early age, taking things easier at my own pace … many were surprised. They asked … how can one stopped working so early with two young children, house mortgages, loans and other financial commitments … unless he is loaded, very loaded.

And many people speculate … yes, many of my peers and even some of my closest friends were thinking that I must have tons of money stashed up somewhere. Some said I was dabbling in some online ventures, while others thought that I may have made big money in the fish spa business that were very popular at that time. A few simply said … “kena” lottery jorrr.

At that time, I wrote … “How much is enough?” … trying to tell people that I really don’t need a lot.

Lately, a long time family friend came to visit and we were talking about our lives, living, children, health, activities and all that. Somewhere in the conversation, he said to me … “Shiek, you must have a lot … your children go to private school/university, you have no worries , no house mortgages or loans and free from financial woes”

I told him like I told everyone else …”I have enough”

Now, the million dollar question is … how much is enough?

I can stop working at a rather early age because I stopped chasing. I decided to opt out of the race to chase for position, recognition and possession.

I do not have any more house mortgages because I did not buy or change new house. All my peers are now living in a bigger, better, cozier and much more expensive houses than me. I am still living in a one-storey house that I bought more than two decades ago ... the roof is leaking, re-painted over a dozen of times and filled with DIY furniture and fixtures.

I did not buy a new car … instead I bought a stubborn 24 years old "pre-loved" Proton Wira so I can use some of the money left to put my kids into good tertiary education and sad to say, I only have enough to afford them in local universities.

While other post photos of their lunches and dinners and other culinary experiences at hotels, restaurants and popular renown outlets … my family and I ate mostly at home. I only have photos of my home cooked recipes and occasional photos of “fish ball” noodles in Mahkota Cheras and “laksa” at Madras Lane to show on social media.

Many of my friends traveled to popular exotic attractions around the world … I went to Can Tho, Surat Thani, Palembang and a few fairly cheap places in the region that many have not even heard before.

OK, I have said this many times and I say it again … don’t get me wrong ya … there is nothing wrong in chasing for success, recognition and possession. Many people successfully built their careers and lives by working very hard chasing for opportunities. They will enjoy the fruits of their successes … they have every right to show their successes with better living, better lifestyles, luxuries and pleasures.
So, how much is enough? It depends.

Everyone has a different yardstick to measure how much is enough … there is no right or wrong to it. Of course one will have to work harder if you want better and if you want more.

You see, I am a lazy fella and you know what? My boss used to say … if you have difficult or complicated problems to solve, give it to Shiek … he will definitely find the easiest way out.

Now having said that … I am not saying that I am not hard working. Just not so hard working like many of my peers … some who are still chasing their dreams. For me, I am too lazy to dream now … I seek the easy way out … I look for memories.

I stopped working long time ago not because I am loaded or I have some big online businesses or I “kena” lottery jorrr. It is because my yardstick to measure how much is enough for me and my family is short … very very short.

Or in other words … I am just blardy lazy.

May 30, 2020

The prayers did not work … neither was I blessed


Well, the above suggestion means that the following writings may or may not cause some uneasiness for some people … so I hope one can read with an open mind.

Here it goes.

Recently a friend came over to visit me after more than two months of lockdown … it is good to be able to move about and do some visiting albeit the strict cautious and distancing procedures. 

Being a very religious person, the first thing my friend said when we met was … “thank god, the covid19 situation is getting better”.

But for me ... thinking more from a scientific front, I said … “not really ... thanks to the doctors, nurses, medical assistants, labs technicians, police, army, hospital cleaners, helpers, delivery boys … all those so called “front liners”. Thanks to them, they are the ones who are making sure that the situation is getting better”.

Then my religious friend added … “thanks to god and our prayers also lah”.

I replied … “of course” … we both laughed and continued our chatters over teh tarik at the local mamak shop. You see, we can get along well, not based on what we believe … more importantly it is about how we behave.

Many know that I am not into gods, deities, ghosts, ghouls, devils, demons, fairies, angels or spirits  ... I don’t believe there is a heaven or a hell, neither do I believe there are divine beings controlling everything in the universe.

I tell you why.

You see … I was a sickly child when I was born … a thin, skinny and sickly boy with a “breathing problem”. Actually it was asthma but in the village I was growing up then, it was believe to be something else. I was told that my grandmother even fed me opium believing it can stop the breathing problem … hmmmm, I got “high” a lot earlier than my peers.

Everyone in the village knows me … because my mom would go around seeking folk remedies and cures to try to get me better.

Apart from opium, which I am sure I was given because it is true that my grandmother was an opium smoker … let me tell you the other stuffs that I tasted ... errrr, no ..."tested" will be a more appropriate word. It still scares me to even think of it now. There were cockroaches roasted over wood fire, little baby mice dipped into alcohol and swallowed whole, grounded dried black bees prescribed by the Chinese medical shops, crocodile meat, monitor lizard meat, some kind of dried lizard and a whole bunch of herbs and strange plants. I was “tested” with very strange stuffs.

And if those were not enough, my mom also resorted to getting divine help … she would pray at temples and seek advice from mediums. There were suggestions that I was disturbed by “dirty” things (ghosts, ghouls and demons) and believing in strange Taoist practice, my mom “gave” me to a few gods and deities as a godson, so that I would be blessed by them and they will scare the “dirty” things away. From what I could remember … I was “kai” (given as godson) to God Erlang, Goddess of Mercy, Monkey God, General Guan Yu (Kuan Kung), Nine Emperors God and a few more, I am quite sure.

Anyway, after all that my mom had tried and done, I did not get any better … the prayers did not work … neither was I blessed.

I can understand what my mother did and why … she grew up in a rubber estate in Beranang and only went to primary school for a few years. She did what she thought was best for me, trying everything to get me better because she loved me dearly.

I was still a very sickly boy until I was 10 years old. Then a colleague of my father told my mom to take me to a government clinic … it was a free clinic for employees of LLN (now called TNB) located at Bangsar. That changed everything … I was given proper medications for my asthma and slowly I got better.

I remember … every time when the asthma strikes, my dad would borrow the neighbor’s Morris Minor … took me straight to Bangsar Clinic (how we called it then) and all it took was an injection and I could breathe comfortably again. Yes, it was a miracle … a miracle of science.

When I attended secondary school, I was asthma free and was a very active sporting student … it was science that stopped the asthmatic attacks. It was proper medicine and proven methods that made me better. Since then … I stopped believing in gods, deities, ghosts, ghouls, devils, demons, superstitions and definitely not opium.

For my mom … she still believe that the gods must have something to do with my progress and so the praying continues, not for my health but for my studies. Hoping that I will be successful in my studies … she went to seek divine help from Indian temples.

Sadly, I did not get through the O-Level exams … got an overall Grade II only. And my mom was wondering what she missed … why her prayers did not work and I was not blessed with good exam results.

NO, it has nothing to do with her … it was very clear that I only have myself to blame … I am the one who screw it all up.

But my mom told me that I still have to “pay back” for what she asked from the temples and I actually went to carry milk up the 272 steps of Batu Caves during the Thaipusam festival the following year. I did it not because I believe in divine intervention … I did it because I know how happy it will make my mom feel, believing that she has done whatever she can for her son.

As I grew into a young adult … I learned of more facts, evidences, proofs, realities, discoveries and findings of science. My fondness of reading got me into books and publications of modern and progressing topics.

By then, I was totally out of religion.

Don’t get me wrong ya … yes, I am not religious but I am NOT anti-religion. It is just that religion does not work for me. It works wonders for many people … like my friend who believe that his prayers worked, the covid19 situation is getting better and the world is blessed by what he believed.

As for me … like when I was young, I don’t think that my mom’s prayers worked … neither was I blessed by what she believed. I know very well that my “breathing problem” was treated successfully by science, my bad academics was my own doing and now I believe that only science can find a solution to end the current pandemic situation.