Many years ago, someone said to me … “bliss comes from
within, you don’t need to extract it externally from people or materials”.
You may want to ask … really?
Let me put it this way … most of us (apart from the unfortunate
ones) have the ability to delve into three very important domains of life … memory,
consciousness and imagination. As an intelligent human with this ability … we
can generate various non-physical conditions of simple happiness within these
three domains of life … we don’t need anything external do that.
External physical things are most likely accessories to provide us with certain convenience and comfortability for our modern livelihood.
Unlike comfort and convenience which are very
much brought upon by physical things, simple happiness can come in a non-physical
form. Not sure if you will agree with me but the way I see it … how happy you are, is
not created by how big your house is, how luxury your holidays are, how fast
your car can go, how much wealth you accumulated or how many people you have around you.
Hey, don’t get me wrong … you can indulge in external physical
things from people or materials to bring pleasures of convenience, comfort and
luxury to “enhance” your lifestyle … there is nothing wrong with it. You built
your financial stability and wealth … you have every right to derive pleasures
from your success.
My point here is … enjoying a happy life doesn’t have to
take a lot … really, you just live with the simple happiness coming from within
you … the non-physical things that you can derive from your memories, your
awareness, your imagination … like healthiness, knowledge, understanding, peace
of mind, nostalgia, reminiscence, sentimentality, patience, tolerance, bliss, warmth,
satisfaction, contentment, delight, gratification, affection, compassion, cheerfulness,
calmness, empathy, sympathy, easiness, simplicity and a lot more.
So really, simple happiness is already within you all the
time, doesn’t matter where you are … whether alone in the jungle, at home with
your loved ones or on a crowded street.
But if you are only happy when you extract pleasures externally
from people or materials, then maybe you are just enjoying the pleasures from
the convenience, comfort and luxury. Maybe you are just enjoying the
accessories of life